To ensure customer satisfaction and product quality, we require immediate inspection of the cotton candy upon delivery. If you encounter any issues with the product, please contact us immediately upon receiving the shipment. We will guide you through the return process and ensure a prompt resolution.

To be eligible for a refund or return, please ensure you meet the criteria below:

  • If the box is broken contact immediately by call, social media messenger with proof (photo or video)
  • Be accompanied by a proof of purchase, such as your order number or receipt

To request a refund:

  1. Contact us immediately upon receipt of your cotton candy by email at or by phone at +880 1886-880175 or by messenger
  2. Provide your order number, your reason for returning the cotton candy, and photos of the reason (if applicable).
  3. We will review your request and inspect the proof of the reason
  4. Once we have finished the inspection, we will issue a full refund to your original form of payment.

Please note:

  • Mood swings are not acceptable as reasons for changing products
  • We are not responsible for shipping costs associated with unauthorized returns.
  • Refunds are typically processed within 3 business days of receiving the returned cotton candy.

We hope this policy is fair and reasonable. We appreciate your business and want to make sure you are happy with your purchase.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.